Welcome to 3PX

3PX Systemservice GmbH is a software
development company located in Salzburg, Austria.

About Us

Our Story

Our company was founded in 1998 out of the owner's former company B&L SYSTEMSERVICE OEG (founded in 1995). After some changes in the company structure and different company locations we relocated to Salzburg in 2012.

From the beginning we were (and still are) focused on customer specific application software development for industry and office.

The company currently employs 6 persons.

Our Experience

Front End Programming
Libraries & Frameworks
Database Design & Implementation
Web Services & Websites
Development For Mobile Devices
If you are working on something exciting that you really care about,
you don't have to be pushed. The vision pulls you! ~Steven 'Steve' Jobs

Our Services

Desktop development

We develop first-class applications and libraries for all common platforms (Windows, Linux, MacOS, Android, iOS,...)

We use technologies, languages and frameworks like C#, C/C++, WPF, MFC, .NET/.NET Core, SQL, EntityFramework, MVVM,...

Web development

We build first-rate web applications and services with complex and rich functionality.

Our projects are based on ASP.NET, ASP.NET Core, .NET MVC, Blazor,...

Mobile development

We implement amazing Android and iOS apps. Every app is 'cross-platform' and customized to your specific needs.

All our apps use Xamarin as development platform for building native and high-performance apps for Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS,....

Our references


Contact Us

If you have a project you would like to discuss, get in touch with us.

3PX Systemservice GmbH
Bergmanngasse 28/6
c/o RVS
8010 Graz

Registration court: Landesgericht für Zivilrechtssachen Graz
Commercial register number: FN 44176s
Branch: IT services

VAT No: ATU34869005

Phone: +43 (664) 3329053
Mail: office@3px.com

Terms Of Use